A cat in the house. What should you know before you get a cat?

A cat in the house. What should you know before you get a cat?
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Before a cat arrives at home, it is worth finding out how to prepare the space for the pet, what should be kept in mind and what rules should be followed. We suggest,

what to expect.

The decision to take in a pet should be well thought out. First, consider whether the conditions in your home will be suitable for the pet and whether your lifestyle will allow you to care for it. Many people choose cats as their pets, claiming that they do not require as much attention as, for example, dogs

Indeed: older cats can be given less time, but young cats need our care and commitment. Also, kittens that have been in shelters may require more care due to traumatic experiences. Once you are sure that you would like a cat as your new companion, prepare your home for the arrival of a pet.

How do I prepare my home before a cat arrives?

There are items in every home that can pose a potential threat to a kitten. Before his arrival:

  • bury all medications and chemicals,
  • protect sockets, cables and electrical wiring,
  • avoid poisonous or toxic plants such as holly, wisteria, aucuba japonica, oleander, philodendron, mistletoe, ivy, azalea, cyclamen, rhododendron, Jerusalem cherry, poinsettia, pea, fig tree
  • protect balconies and windows with netting.

Also supply the necessary accessories for your cat. Prepare:

  • three bowls – for water and for dry and wet food,
  • food – it should contain all the ingredients needed for proper development and functioning. It should be matched to the age, activity and health of the pet,
  • litter box – they are divided into covered and uncovered. They come in different colors and sizes, they also have different shapes, so you can fit them to the place where they will stand. It’s worth choosing a large, covered litter box with high walls at the bottom. Thanks to such a model, the urine will not leak outside, and the litter will not be spread around the apartment. Importantly, the litter box cannot stand next to the pet’s food bowls – they should be as far apart from each other as possible, because cats will not eat in the same room where they settle their needs,
  • litter for the litter box – we distinguish between bentonite, silicone and wooden litter. They can be clumping or non-caking, and scented or unscented,
  • bed – it’s worth to separate a separate space for the cat, where it will lie down and sleep. The bed can be made of blankets or pillows or you can buy a special one designed for cats,
  • carrier – it will be useful while travelling or visiting vet. In stores you can find cloth, plastic or wicker carriers of various sizes,
  • scratching post – needed for the pet to rub its claws, climbing and jumping,
  • toys – cats love to hunt, so toys such as mice, balls, feathers and fishing rods provide them with movement and satisfy their basic needs.

Your cat’s first moments at home

Upon arriving home, your pet will want to explore his new surroundings. Allow him to go around all the rooms, not forgetting to eliminate hazards. At first, the cat may run away, have no appetite, be frightened or aggressive. If nothing changes after a few days, it is worth going to the vet.

Main photo: Mikhail Vasilyev/unsplash.com

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