Zucchini preserves. Suggestions for preserves

Zucchini preserves. Suggestions for preserves
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Zucchini is suitable for stewing, baking, frying, marinating and eating raw. You can use it to make pâté, pies, smoothies and cakes

You can also prepare excellent preserves and enjoy its delicious taste for longer. Below you will find our suggestions for zucchini preparations.

It is worth mentioning that zucchini is also called squash. It has a very mild taste, is easily digestible, rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C, K, PP, B1 and beta-carotene. Moreover, it deacidifies the body and has a positive effect on digestion.

Sun salad in a jar

It not only looks beautiful in the jar and on the plate, but also tastes great. The addition of turmeric gives a beautiful color to vegetables, but also has a beneficial effect on our body.


  • 1,5 kg of zucchini,
  • 0.25 kg onion,
  • 0,5 kg of red peppers,
  • 6 cloves of garlic,
  • 2 teaspoons of turmeric,
  • 2 teaspoons of mustard,
  • 1 level spoon of salt,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 1 cup vinegar.


Cut zucchini into slices, peppers into strips, and onions into feathers. In a large bowl, mix the vegetables, add the spices, crushed garlic, sugar and vinegar. Stir everything and set aside for several hours. After that time put the salad into jars, cap and pasteurize for about 8 minutes. Remove the jars from the pot, turn them upside down and leave to cool.

sałatka z cukinii
(Photo by DEA / N.BANAS/De Agostini via Getty Images

Zucchini ketchup

This is a homemade alternative to the ketchup available in stores. It’s perfect as a topping for pasta, pizza and sandwiches.


  • 1.5 kg zucchini,
  • 0.5 kg onion,
  • 2 large peppers,
  • 1.5 tablespoons of salt,
  • 1 teaspoon pepper,
  • 0.5 teaspoon hot bell pepper,
  • 0.25 kg of sugar,
  • 0.5 cup vinegar,
  • 0.6 kilograms of tomato puree,
  • 1 teaspoon of curry.

Method of preparation:

Grate the zucchini on a coarse grater, cut the onions and peppers into strips. Add salt and set aside for an hour. Then cook for about 25 minutes until the vegetables are soft. Cool down and blend. Add spices, sugar, vinegar and tomato puree. Boil for 15 minutes. Put the hot sauce into jars. Pasteurize for about 7 minutes.

keczup z cukinii
Photo by DEA / P.MARTINI/De Agostini via Getty Images

Zucchini jam

Sweet version of zucchini will surprise many lovers of homemade jams. It will be a perfect addition to cakes, waffles and pancakes.


  • 1 kg zucchini,
  • 0,3 kg sugar,
  • 0.5 glass of water,
  • 2 orange jellies,
  • 2 teaspoons of citric acid,

Method of preparation:

Peel the zucchini, remove the seeds and grate on a coarse grater. Put grated zucchini into a pot with a thick bottom, add 0.5 cup of water and cook until zucchini is tender. Then add sugar, jellies and citric acid and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Put the hot jam into clean jars, cap and set aside for 5 minutes upside down.

Pickled Zucchini

If you love pickled cucumbers, then you will definitely like pickled zucchini too. It is a real vitamin bomb that is perfect for autumn days. Below you will find an easy to make recipe.


  • 4 zucchini,
  • 4 sprigs of dill,
  • a few cloves of garlic,
  • a piece of horseradish root,
  • water,
  • non-iodized salt.


Wash zucchini, do not peel, but if it is older, cut out the center with seeds. Then cut it into strips matching the length of the jars. At the bottom of each jar put a sprig of dill, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 cm of horseradish root and put the zucchini strips.

Boil the water, dissolve the non-iodized salt in it (for 1 liter of water, 1 heaping tablespoon of salt) and set aside. When the water reaches room temperature, pour it over the jars with zucchini, seal and set aside in a cool place.

kiszona cukinia
Photo by DEA / P.MARTINI/De Agostini via Getty Images

Leek into jars

Do you happen to have no time to stand around the kitchen? If so, prepare cured meat in jars. It tastes great with a variety of ingredients – rice, pasta or sausage.


  • 3 kg zucchini,
  • 1 kg of red bell peppers,
  • 1 kg yellow bell peppers,
  • 1 kg onion,
  • 2 kg tomatoes,
  • 0,4 kg of tomato concentrate,
  • 50 ml of vinegar,
  • 0,4 kg sugar,
  • 6 grains of allspice,
  • 4 bay leaves,
  • 1 tsp sweet paprika,
  • 2 tablespoons oregano,
  • 1 tablespoon basil,
  • 1 teaspoon pepper,
  • 0.5 teaspoon cinnamon,
  • 5 cloves of garlic,
  • 5 tsp salt.

>> See also: Time for healthy eating! Vegetable pickles


Wash zucchini and remove the seeds, but do not peel the skin. Clean the bell pepper from seeds and membranes, peel the onion and garlic, scald and peel the tomatoes. Chop garlic and onion finely. Dice zucchini, bell bell pepper and tomatoes finely. In a large pot put chopped vegetables, add spices, vinegar, sugar and tomato paste. Cook until soft – about 30 minutes. Put the hot medley into sterilized jars, cap and pasteurize in water for 10 minutes.

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