Aromatherapy at home. How to use essential oils?

Aromatherapy at home. How to use essential oils?
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Do you feel irritated and exhausted when you get home from work? If traditional ways of improving your mood don’t work, try alternative methods. Specifically, scent therapy!

Aromatherapy is effective in improving mood and helping to reduce stress and tension. Essential oils, also used in cosmetology, were used to achieve a specific mental state already by the ancients – and in Africa, Europe and Asia. Check out how you can use essential oils to boost your mood!

What is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is considered a form of alternative medicine because there is no concrete evidence that scent therapy is effective in treating pain or infections. Essential oils are composed in special scent mixtures that are supposed to have a specific effect on the person who will inhale them – some claim that with the help of aromatherapy, constipation, among other things, can be eliminated. However, scientific evidence only confirms the effectiveness of essential oils in the fight against mental ailments – stress, insomnia, tension, depression

Aromatherapy – ways

Treatment with fragrance can be applied through the respiratory tract or directly through the skin. The choices are: inhalation, inhalation, massage, bath. Inhalations are worth using in case of problems with the respiratory system (e.g. when you have a suffocating cough).

Add about 10 drops of the chosen essential oil to a bowl of hot water, and then inhale the vapors, covering your head with a towel. An essential oil bath works on a similar principle (30 drops per tub of water)

Much simpler is to use an aromatherapy fireplace, which heats the substance of your choice and diffuses it in the air – for example, in the bedroom. Essential oils can also be rubbed into the skin together with massage oil or cream – then the touch itself has an additional relaxing effect.

Effects of essential oils

Essential oils can be divided into those with antidepressant, calming, relaxing, stimulating and improving thinking properties

  • antidepressant – chamomile, lavender, basil, geranium, orange blossom, sage,
  • calming – sage, lavender, orange blossom, rose, chamomile,
  • relaxing – sage, mint, basil, rosemary, geranium, juniper, thyme,
  • stimulants – juniper, pine, hyssop, rosemary,
  • mind-enhancing – rosemary, lavender, basil

As you can see, some oils exhibit multiple properties at once. Therefore, the most common ones are:

  • mint – helps to concentrate on the task at hand, collect thoughts. Its fresh scent supports faster brain activity,
  • lavender – this plant calms even straight from the pot. It helps to alleviate feelings of irritation, soothe nerves and calm down, while supporting concentration,
  • rose – as the only oil in our list, it also acts as an aphrodisiac. It soothes headaches, helps calm the nerves, and puts you in a state of bliss,
  • citrus – essential oil from e.g. orange blossom helps to soothe nerves and significantly improves mood,
  • rosemary – works like coffee. Although it allows you to relax, it gives you a dose of extra energy that lasts throughout the day and allows you to perform tasks at 110%

Main Photo: doTERRA International, LLC/

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