Furniture and accessories for a kitchen in Provence style

Furniture and accessories for a kitchen in Provence style
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Bright and cozy interiors, characteristic of the Provence style, with colors referring to the French countryside surrounded by lavender hills. This is the perfect style for those who love a light, idyllic atmosphere. A kitchen decorated in this style will become the favorite place of all household members and guests

The heart of the kitchen – the table

Kitchen decorated in the style of Provence brings to mind the smell of herbs and homemade cake. It is bright, full of light and cozy accessories. The heart of every kitchen is the table. The store offers beautiful tables that are perfect for a kitchen decorated in this style. Made with love to antique furniture, they are a unique culmination of Provencal motifs

We choose the table depending on the layout and equipment of the kitchen, so that the household members can prepare and eat meals in a comfortable way. There are many options. An extending table is perfect for a large, open kitchen, which also serves as a dining room and where we often host large families and friends. For a smaller kitchen consider buying a round table in vintage style, thanks to which you will gain space and at the same time a unique decoration. A smaller, unfolded table can also serve as a desk or work table. Regardless of its purpose, certainly a beautiful wooden table will bring a warm and cozy atmosphere to our home decorated in Provence style. Moreover, decorated with details reminiscent of beautiful Provence in the form of a hand-embroidered doily, white cups, and a lavender bouquet, it will become a favorite place for everyday family gatherings.

stół w kuchni
Photo by nikki_meel from

The right lighting

Nowadays table is not only a place for eating meals. People at home like to use it while working on the computer or doing homework. To make the use of the table comfortable and pleasant, it is worth to take care of proper lighting. The intensity of the light, its dispersion and the look of the lamp itself are of great importance and have an impact on the atmosphere in a given room. Therefore it is worth betting on proven and reliable solutions. For a kitchen decorated in the style of Provence, ceiling lamps for kitchens with a simple form and light color will fit perfectly. If hung over the table, they will add charm and elegance to the interior, and at the same time provide comfort during work and meals

lampy w kuchni
Photo by pn28 from

Time for cleaning

Regardless of the style in which the kitchen is decorated, it is one of the most important rooms in our homes. It’s important to make sure that everyday meals take place in a neat, clean and healthy environment. Even if you don’t have much time, don’t leave dirty dishes for later. Firstly, leftover food will start to smell bad after a while and secondly, dirty plates spread all over the kitchen will give the impression of a constant mess

>> Read also: 9 tips on how to clean your house fast

While you are still cooking, put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher right away. Then, after the meal, all you have to do is pick up your plate, put it in the dishwasher and you’re done! The kitchen will be cleaned right after dinner and the dishwasher will take care of the washing up. It is worth taking care of good tablets for the dishwasher that can handle any dirt and provide dishes with cleanliness and shine. The most popular are tablets for dishwashers sold in bags with a resealable system. In the store Hygiena you will find tablets of well-known and respected brands. They are effective in action and in addition, their composition is enriched with rinse aid and salt thanks to which we can be sure that we will get dishes out of a dishwasher shiny and streak-free. It is worth to reach for proven detergents which also fight grease and prevent scale formation on a dishwasher heater. This will protect the equipment from failures.

tabletka do zmywarki
Photo by vistudio2019 from
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