Ways to clean your oven

Ways to clean your oven
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Have you more than once wondered how to clean your oven? For many, this is not a very pleasant activity that can cause a lot of problems. Here are some ideas on how to deal with the unwanted dirt.

Every housewife should know that regularity is the key to success. Every time the oven is used, dirt and grease builds up. By taking care of its interior systematically, we have a better chance of keeping it clean. There are many traditional home ways as well as innovative ones that will make this task easier for you.

Home methods for a dirty oven

Soda is the most popular cleaning agent used in our homes for many types of dirt. Our grandmothers knew this – years go by and this all-purpose cleaner still does a great job. There are several recipes for using soda

To make it work on our oven, mix it with water and dishwashing liquid. We need: half a cup of water, 1/4 cup of baking soda and a little dishwashing liquid. Such a mixture should be spread on the inside of the oven and left for several minutes so that the accumulated fat could dissolve. After this time, the oven must be washed thoroughly.

Another way to use baking soda is to mix it with rock salt and hot water. We mix some hot water with 2 tablespoons of salt and a glass of baking soda. And here we proceed exactly as in the previous method.

Baking soda will also work well with vinegar. We create a thick slurry with them, which we leave for about 20 minutes on the dirt. All the given ways with baking soda can be repeated several times.

Another homemade idea for combating dried grease and burned after dishes is to use the thermo-circuit. Place a heatproof dish half-filled with water and lemon juice or vinegar inside the oven. You need to set the oven with the thermo-circulating oven to 180 degrees for half an hour. This will allow you to soften the dried dirt. Then scrub the interior with warm water and liquid.

Special cleaning programmes

Pyrolysis is a special program which quickly heats up the inside of the appliance to a very high temperature of approx. 500°C. This turns all dirt and dried-on food residues into ash which can be easily removed.

Manufacturers took care about safety, because ovens with pyrolysis are equipped with a door locking mechanism. Pyrolytic oven cleaning is a great convenience because it does not require much effort from us

The steam cleaning function is also sometimes available in ovens. For this program ovens have a special container filled with water. Under the influence of steam the dirt softens. Then it is enough to remove them with a cloth.

The third option found in ovens is catalytic panels. These are special inserts usually located on the side, inner walls of the oven. They allow catching the dirt on the fly, because during the baking process. Thus, such high temperatures as in pyrolysis are not necessary

Catalytic cartridges turn dirt into ash, which is easily removed with a cloth. However, they need to be replaced as they wear out. The frequency of replacing the catalytic panels depends on how often the oven is used. It may be up to a dozen or so months

Special cleaning products – is it worth it?

There are many of them available in stores. However, is it worth to spend money on a ready-made product which is supposed to help to deal with a dirty oven? Such cleaners can deal well with burns. You just need to leave it on the dirt for a few minutes. Be careful with your skin and eyes when using them, as they are unfortunately caustic agents.

Main Photo: Taylor Grote/unsplash.com

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