Aloe Vera – health properties and uses

Aloe Vera – health properties and uses
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Aloe vera is a plant that not only looks beautiful in a pot, but also surprises with the number of healthy properties and practical applications. Check out how the aloe vera pulp can be used on a daily basis!

Aloe vera has been known since ancient times. In Egypt it was called “the plant of immortality”. And as you know, the ancients knew what they were talking about – aloe vera is a plant full of beneficial properties, which can not only firm the skin and rejuvenate it, but also help eliminate many health ailments. Check out what you need to know about aloe vera!

Aloe vera – everything you need to know

Although the word “aloe” usually brings to mind the common aloe, this type of succulent hides as many as 550 species! Aloe vera was originally found in the Arabian Peninsula and Madagascar, but nowadays it is not only a pot plant, it is also found “in the wild” in South America and the Mediterranean

In order to survive the high temperatures, heat and drought of desert climates, aloe vera has developed a system for storing water as well as essential nutrients in its thick, flesh-filled leaves, which serve the plant as a sort of granary. This is where all the goodness of aloe vera is contained – all the substances that allow, among other things, rapid regeneration of the plant in the event of damage

Aloe vera in a pot – which species?

The most common species grown in pots are aloe vera, armed aloe and tiger aloe. As the name suggests, the first species is the most popular and, in addition, is not protected. The plant does not grow very tall (max. 90 cm) and after four years from planting it starts to produce the first yellow flowers. In contrast to the armed aloe, which is distinguished by long thorns along the entire length of the leaves, aloe vera is equipped with tiny, weak thorns, and sometimes even lack of them. The most ornamental is tiger aloe, decorated with white stripes. However, not every aloe has healing properties! They can only be found in aloe vera and tree aloe

Aloe vera is a plant that only needs light, permeable soil, good drainage and a sunny location. It only needs to be watered when the ground dries out

Aloe vera as medicine

Aloe vera juice can be a great addition to your daily diet. A bunch of aloe leaves (picked the day before and stored overnight in the refrigerator) should be extracted from the pulp. To it pour half a liter of citrus juice and mix everything in a blender. Such a mixture can be stored for up to a week in the refrigerator. Aloe vera contains antioxidants that help in the fight against skin aging, as well as vitamins A, C, E and a whole section of B vitamins. In the pulp you will also find useful mineral salts such as magnesium, zinc, calcium and potassium

Aloe vera juice itself is a remedy for everything – it has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and analgesic properties. It soothes irritations and firms the skin by slightly “tightening” it. Regularly drunk aloe vera juice helps to increase immunity, eliminate diseases and infections at an early stage of their development, as well as regulate the work of the digestive system

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Main photo: Cintia Siqueira/

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